Top 2 Other Classes Companies in Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN
Bushra Shaikh
Maths Wizard conducts Abacus and Vedic online and offline classes with the aim of removing the fear of math and inculcate love for math. The curriculum is designed in such a way that it ignites the children learning in a more enjoyable way. The main advantage of using abacus math is that the student just after a few months memorizes the image of the abacus in their mind, and can perform calculations mentally.
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Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN
LivGlobal Institute
Boost your career in travel and tourism courses. Then LivGlobal Institute is a reputed best travel and tourism college institute in Mumbai, India. Offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmers and executive short and long courses. Enroll now.
Also find LivGlobal Institute' in Other Classes
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