Dr. Mandavi Rai

Dr. Mandavi Rai

Seller since 2023
Dr. Mandavi Rai, a leading IVF specialist in Noida, is revered for their exceptional expertise in reproductive medicine and fertility treatments. Renowned for personalized care, cutting-edge techniques, and a high success rate, they offer comprehensive solutions for infertility challenges. Their practice encompasses advanced procedures like IVF, IUI, egg freezing, and genetic screening, supported by a compassionate approach that prioritizes patient well-being. With a track record of helping numerous couples achieve their dream of parenthood, their dedication to excellence and innovation solidifies their position as a top choice for those seeking fertility assistance in Noida.

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India, Uttar Pradesh, Noida, 201301, INDIRA IVF CLINIC,SCTOR 18 NOIDA.
Mo: 10A.M-5P.M
Tu: 10A.M-5P.M
We: 10A.M-5P.M
Th: 10A.M-5P.M
Fr: Closed
Sa: 10A.M-5P.M
Su: 10A.M-5P.M
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