Best IVF Doctor in Thane - Dr. Snehal Kohale

Health - Beauty - Fitness 43 views ID: 60293
4.00 ₹

Published on 22/03/2024



"Finding the Best IVF Doctor in Thane: A Comprehensive Guide In today's world, where medical advancements offer hope for those struggling with infertility, finding the right IVF doctor is crucial. In Thane, one name stands out - Dr. Snehal Kohale. Let's delve into the process of finding the best IVF doctor and why Dr. Snehal Kohale is a top choice for your fertility journey. I. Understanding the IVF Process What is IVF and how does it work? Fertilization by in vitro fertilization (IVF) involves mixing eggs and sperm in a lab outside of the body. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus for pregnancy. Factors to consider before opting for IVF treatment Age, medical history, and fertility issues p...


Ova Fertility And Women Care First Floor Vedant Hospital, Ghodbunder Rd, Kasarvadavali, Thane West,
19.1943294, 72.9701779
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Dr. Snehal Kohale
Dr. Snehal Kohale
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Last online 1 month ago
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Ova Fertility and Women Care First Floor Vedant Hospital, Ghodbunder Rd, Kasarvadavali, Thane West, , 400615, Thane West, Thāne, Maharashtra, India
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