Finding Constipation Relief During Pregnancy: A Natural Way

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Published on 27/02/2024



Expectant mothers often experience constipation during pregnancy caused by hormonal changes and pressure on the intestines caused by the growing baby. If you are uncomfortable, don't worry—natural remedies can provide relief, but always consult your doctor before trying anything new. Ziggy Bars offer a nutritious solution for promoting a healthy digestive system. Consider options like stool softeners such as Colace, but only after discussing with your healthcare provider. Psyllium, available in various forms, including capsules or supplements like Metamucil, can effectively alleviate constipation when consumed with ample water due to its fiber content. Olive oil, consumed on an empty stomach, can act as a l...


1400 N. Kraemer Blvd., #1595 Placentia
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33.8714814, -117.8617337
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Ziggy Bars
Ziggy Bars
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Registered for 2+ months
1400 n. Kraemer Blvd., #1595 Placentia, 92871, Orange County, Placentia, California, United States
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