Simha Kidsden | Senior KG School in Ramamurthy Nagar

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Published on 01/04/2024



Simha Kidsden is a well-known Senior KG School in Ramamurthy Nagar, Bangalore. Our primary focus is to provide high-quality education to young learners in a nurturing and welcoming environment. Our curriculum has been designed to support the cognitive, physical, and emotional development of children. Our experienced faculty members use innovative teaching methodologies to ensure that learning is engaging and interactive. In addition to academic excellence, we also offer a range of extracurricular activities such as music, dance, and sports to foster creativity and physical fitness. Simha Kidsden is the perfect choice for parents seeking a top-notch senior KG school in Ramamurthy Nagar with a child-centric appro...


16/17, 5th Cross, Akshaya Nagar, RM Nagar, Bangalore-560016
12.9767936, 77.590082
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simha Kidsden
simha Kidsden
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