Vedic Astrology in Melbourne

Horoscopes - Tarot 42 views ID: 35834
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Published on 04/11/2023



Astrologer Devanand is a famous person in Vedic Astrology in Melbourne. Vedic astrology places great importance on the positions and movements of astrological bodies, including planets, stars, and lunar nodes. These astrological influences are believed to have an impact on an individual's life and can be studied through a birth chart or horoscope. Vedic astrology gives great importance to the positions and movements of the planets in relation to the 12 astrological signs and 12 zodiac signs. Each planet is associated with specific qualities and influences that shape an individual's life and destiny. This suggests that an individual's actions in a past life can influence the challenges and opportunities in the p...


18 Porter St, Hawthorn East VIC 3123, Australia
-37.8142454, 144.9631732
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Astrologer Devanand
Astrologer Devanand
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