Transglobal IELTS Training Academy

Transglobal IELTS Training Academy

Seller since 2023
"Looking for the best IELTS & PTE coaching in Delhi? Look no further than Transglobal IELTS Training Academy. Our expert IELTS/PTE Trainer has over 8 years of experience teaching English language exams and is certified by the British Council. We offer high-quality coaching services to help students achieve their language proficiency goals. Our course includes 1.5 hours of personal training, 2-3 mock tests for preparation, regular practice tests, a 30-day course duration, multiple time slots available between 10 am to 6 pm IST, experienced instructors, a small class size of 7-8 students, and specifically tailored study material. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you succeed on your IELTS or PTE exam!"

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