Connect with an ED consultant in India to identifying and investigating economic offenses

Other Services 123 views New Sell ID: 11387

Published on 22/05/2023


An Enforcement Directorate (ED) consultant in India plays a crucial role in advising the organization on various matters related to enforcing economic laws and regulations. The ED is a specialized law enforcement agency responsible for investigating and enforcing economic laws, particularly money laundering and foreign exchange violations. One of the primary roles of an ED consultant in India is to provide legal and technical advice to the agency on various aspects of investigation and prosecution. They are responsible for ensuring that the agency follows due process of law and adheres to the principles of natural justice while investigating and prosecuting economic offenses. Another key responsibility of an E...


Satra Plaza, Office No. 1007, Palm Beach Road, Sector -19D
Navi Mumbai
19.0308262, 73.0198537
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Finlaw Consultancy
Finlaw Consultancy
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Satra Plaza, Office No. 1007, Palm Beach Road, Sector -19D, 400703, Navi Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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