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Use Panchmukhi Train Ambulance in Guwahati with Critical Care Facilities

Health - Beauty - Fitness 260 views New Sell ID: 32622
90000.00 ₹

Published on 20/10/2023



Panchmukhi Train Ambulance in Guwahati is a dedicated train ambulance and medical transportation company offering full support while transferring patients to their desired destination without causing any delay on the way. Our trained medical staff helps offer medical attention and assistance to keep the health of the patient stable and make sure the process of relocation is scheduled without causing any fatalities while transferring patients to and from the source destination. !!! Enquire Today!!! Vasundhara Sector - 3, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi, 201012 Mob: +91-9667077396, +91-9955990333 Email: - [email protected] Website: https://airambulanceservicesdelhi.com/train-ambulance-services-in-guw...


G.S. Road, Guwahati
26.1823701, 91.7501234
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Panchmukhi TrainAmbulance
Panchmukhi TrainAmbulance
111 active listings
Last online 2 months ago
Registered for 1+ year
R.K Estate, In front of IGIMS, Bailey Road, Patna, 800014, Patna, Bihar, India
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