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MHE Bazar-Material Handling Equipment

Industrial Machinery 137 views ID: 38022
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Published on 16/11/2023



MHE Bazar is your ultimate destination for all your material handling equipment needs. As an online platform, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions to cater to both B2B and B2C customers. Whether you're in search of new or used equipment, spare parts, services, or even equipment rentals, MHE Bazar has got you covered. Our platform features an extensive array of offerings, including new material handling equipment, refurbished options, and convenient equipment rentals. Additionally, we provide top-quality lithium-ion batteries, forklift attachments, spare parts from all major brands, and comprehensive service options for all your material handling equipment. MHE Bazar is proud to be a part of Greentech I...


E-228, Lower Basement, Lajpat Nagar-I, New Delhi-110024
New Delhi
28.6138954, 77.2090057
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Shashank Singh
Shashank Singh
1 active listings
Last online 6 months ago
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