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Male Infertility Treatments in Lucknow

Health - Beauty - Fitness 32 views ID: 63147
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Published on 08/04/2024



A man produces sperm that can fertilise an egg and result in pregnancy, however in many situations, male infertility leads to pregnancy failure. Male infertility can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including medical disorders such as varicoceles, decreased sperm production or motility, lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drugs such as chemotherapy or anabolic steroids. Male infertility treatments can help in certain situations, allowing you to fulfil your dream of becoming a parent. Urvara Fertility Centre provides various male infertility treatments in Lucknow. These treatments are given in proper healthcare facilities, and doctors and experts offer guidance and supp...


Airosa Complex, 5/29, 1st Floor, Vishal Khand,
Uttar Pradesh
26.8381, 80.9346001
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Urvara Fertility Centre
Urvara Fertility Centre
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Last online 1 month ago
Registered for 3+ months
Airosa Complex, 5/29, 1st Floor, Vishal Khand,, 226010, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
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