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Mvi 42249542 - Grid-Cutter Assy-Ma/Ml/Mp1 | Hnkparts

Electronics 28 views New Sell ID: 58854
230.00 $

Published on 15/03/2024



The 42249542 Marvel Refrigeration Grid-Cutter Assembly in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator produces and dispenses ice cubes. It does so by freezing water in a grid model, providing users with ice. The grid-cutter association is primarily responsible for the production of ice in refrigerators equipped with ice makers. It forms individual ice cubes by freezing water on a grid system. Grid-cutter associations also play a role in an even ice distribution. It helps to break the formed ice into smaller, manageable pieces that can easily be placed in a glass or container. A grid cutter assembly is a grid-like structure with many rows and columns of smaller, rectangular shapes. The specific design and functi...


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