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Delhi’s Best Women Polytechnic for Teacher Training

Other Classes 70 views ID: 59731
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Published on 20/03/2024



Girls be it then or now have always been reminded that ultimately they have to take care of the house and children, by which most of the girls remain dependant on their father or husband.. But not anymore INDOSS Polytechnia for Women. is providing teacher training courses to those who want their carrier to independent but can’t have a 9 to5 job… because teaching is the only profession in which where we have to work half day and get an full day salary and they can spend quality of time with children and can manage their household duty… their one more plus point that they can teach their children themselves only so need for extra tuitions…. Courses: - NTT (Nursery Teacher Training), PTT (Primary Teacher...


J-1/164 Rajouri Garden Metro Pillar No. 404, New Delhi-110027.
28.6517178, 77.2219388
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