SLA 3D Printing Service

Other Services 26 views New ID: 61408
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Published on 28/03/2024



SLA (Stereolithography) 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology that uses a vat of liquid photopolymer resin cured by ultraviolet (UV) laser to build layers of a 3D model. Here's how the process generally works: Preparation: The 3D model is prepared using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software and sliced into thin layers. Printing: A platform is submerged into a tank filled with liquid resin. A UV laser then traces the first layer of the object on the surface of the resin, solidifying it where the laser beam strikes. The platform then moves down by a layer thickness, and the process is repeated for each layer, with the resin solidifying and adhering to the layer below. Curing: After the entire obje...


Manjusha Building, Nehru Place
New Delhi
28.6138954, 77.2090057
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locanam 3dprinting
locanam 3dprinting
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Manjusha Building, Nehru Place, 110019, Nehru Place, New Delhi, Delhi, India
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