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IELTS Coaching Centre in Gurgaon

Language Classes 52 views ID: 61802
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Published on 01/04/2024. Modified on 01/04/2024.



If you ever plan to study in a foreign country or immigrate, then the School of Civilities and Protocol is here to guide you. In Gurgaon, the School of Civilities and Protocol offers a wide range of courses to help you transform your lives. We are different from other IELTS coaching institutes and we focus on helping students in learning the English language. Our priority is to provide relevant skills through proper guidance and learn English as a tool for success in the IELTS exam. During the twelve weeks, you will be guided by our certified trainers in all the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking). The training you receive will be Individually customized to address your weak points in all t...


M8, Lower Ground Floor, Educational Complex, Block B, Old DLF Colony, Sector 14, Gurugram, Haryana -
28.42826235, 77.0027001466
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School of Civilities & Protocol
School of Civilities & Protocol
18 active listings
Last online 3 weeks ago
Registered for 7+ months
M8, Lower Ground Floor, Educational Complex, Block B, Old DLF Colony, Sector 14, Gurugram, Haryana -, 122001, Old DLF Colony, Gurgaon, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Seller's profile All seller items (18) schoolofcivilities.org

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