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Neem Comb for Hair - Ohria Ayurveda

Health - Beauty 23 views ID: 65182
490.00 ₹

Published on 21/04/2024



Neem wooden combs excel in various aspects crucial for hair health. Neem combs for hair stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, facilitating optimal nutrient delivery to hair, and promoting growth. Additionally, neem wood's hydrating and nourishing properties ensure hair remains moisturized and healthy. Its inherent antibacterial and antifungal properties further safeguard against microbial growth and infections, while effectively removing dirt and debris from the scalp. From preventing dandruff to reducing itchiness and hair fall, neem combs promote a healthier scalp environment, promoting long, lustrous hair growth with combs from certified brands like Ohria Ayurveda. SHOP NOW - https://www.ohriaayurveda.co...


70/B-17, Najafgarh Road Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110015
28.6517178, 77.2219388
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Ohria Ayurveda
Ohria Ayurveda
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Last online 3 weeks ago
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70/B-17, Najafgarh Road Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110015, 110015, New Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, India
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