StartACareerToday - Nursing Jobs - (US)

Healthcare 81 views ID: 24010
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Published on 01/09/2023


We are seeking dedicated and compassionate nurses to join our esteemed team. With a commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services, we are looking for talented individuals who share our passion for delivering top-quality patient care. Requirements: 1. The valid nursing license in the USA. 2. Proven experience as a nurse, preferably in a clinical or hospital setting. 3. Excellent knowledge of nursing principles and practices, with a strong understanding of patient care techniques. 4. Proficiency in using electronic medical records and other relevant healthcare technologies. 5. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with patients, families, and the healthcare team. ...


New York
United States
41.7856489, -74.2290366
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sherry.J teller
sherry.J teller
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