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trip to Nepal cost from India, vacation packages to Nepal

Moving - Storage 26 views ID: 24406
13500.00 ₹

Published on 05/09/2023



Musafircab Pvt. Ltd. The cost of a trip to Nepal cost from India, vacation packages to Nepal India can vary widely depending on various factors such as the duration of your journey, the mode of transportation, the type of accommodation, the activities you plan to do, and your personal spending habits. Here are some general cost considerations. Transportation: The cost of transportation will depend on how you choose to travel. If you're flying, the price of airfare can vary depending on the time of booking, airline, and class of service. On average, a round-trip flight from major Indian cities to Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, can range from INR 8,000 to INR 20,000 or more. Overland travel via bus or train will be ...


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