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Brahmi Capsule reduces inflammation, boosts brain function & has anticancer properties.

Health - Beauty - Fitness 138 views ID: 4774

Published on 10/12/2022



Brahmi Capsule is an intellectual, anti-inflammatory, strong memory, that cools and removes toxins from the body. Apart from removing phlegm, it is also beneficial in skin-related diseases by purifying the blood. It is specifically used for the treatment of epilepsy and asthma. Brahmi is one of the most commonly used herbs in Unani to help improve health conditions. It contains alkaloids that help detoxify the liver. Brahmi Capsule helps in the healthy functioning of the liver. Brahmi Capsule has medicinal properties that have a positive effect on the hippocampal part of the brain which is responsible for intelligence, memory, and concentration. Regular use of Brahmi Capsule helps in controlling the blood sugar...


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