Panno - The Plants & Organic Food eCommerce Shopify Theme

Business Services 125 views ID: 52363

Published on 06/02/2024. Modified on 06/02/2024.



The panno is the ultimate & clean eCommerce shopify theme for small businesses as large-scale businesses. Panno has lots of features that make it different from other themes like mobile slider configuration, advanced mega menu, fast loading, mobile optimized, SEO friendly, fully responsive, RTL supported, every page sectioned, differentials product pages, blog & article pages and etc. Panno is a most powerful theme for small-scale businesses like plant shops, food shops, fruit shops, baked food, restaurants, online tree shops, juice shops, drinks & cold drinks shops, packed food, eCommerce stores with minimal items, single product shop, grocery shop, vegetable shop, food store, gadgets shop, electr...


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