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Square Walmart Integration - sync product stock & price and orders between both platforms

Other Services 130 views ID: 61018
59.00 $

Published on 27/03/2024


To integrate Square with Walmart using SKUPlugs to synchronize product stock, price, and orders, you'll need to follow a series of steps. SKUPlugs is a platform designed to facilitate integrations between different e-commerce platforms and marketplaces like Square and Walmart. Here's a general guide on how to set up this integration: Sign Up and Install SKUPlugs: Visit the SKUPlugs website and sign up for an account. Create your profile on SKUPlugs and follow the steps to connect Square and Walmart marketplace. Connect Square and Walmart: In your SKUPlugs dashboard, navigate to the settings or integrations section. Look for options to connect both Square and Walmart accounts. Follow the prompts to authenticat...


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