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Overcome the Influence of Ashubh Grah through Astrology

Horoscopes - Tarot 18 views ID: 64814

Published on 18/04/2024



Ashubh Grah, or malefic planets, are celestial bodies in astrology that are believed to exert negative influences on individuals when they are poorly placed on the birth chart. Planets like Saturn, Mars, and Rahu are considered Ashubh Grah, and their adverse effects may manifest as challenges, delays, or obstacles in various areas of life. Astrologers offer remedies such as propitiating the respective planets or wearing gemstones to mitigate the malefic effects of Ashubh Grah.


Unit 513, 525, 5 Th Floor, Active Business Park, D C Dey Road
West Bengal
22.5414185, 88.3576912439
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