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Bhatke Adventure - Trek and Travel organizer in Mumbai

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Published on 15/05/2023



Bhatke Adventure is a trek and travel organizer in Mumbai that would help you choose the right adventure for the right occasion. Whether you want to go for a relaxing nature walk, know more about the history of the state by visiting ancient forts, go for a long hike, or challenge yourself by climbing the tallest peak in the state, we have a trip planned for you. At Bhatke Adventure, you get every single detail about a range of treks and camping trips organized by us. Whether you are familiar with the location or not, you can rest assured that we will provide all relevant information to you, right from a brief background about the location to a detailed itinerary for the trip. All you need to do is select a loc...


Dadar West,, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028
19.0785451, 72.878176
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Bhatke Adventure
Bhatke Adventure
1 active listings
Last online 3 months ago
Registered for 1+ year
Mumbai, 400028, Mumbai, India
0845487xxxx 0845487xxxx
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