Comprehensive Health Package for just Rs. 35,000! At [FORTISCDOC HOSPITAL],

Health - Beauty - Fitness 44 views ID: 12342
35000.00 ₹

Published on 05/06/2023



we prioritize your well-being and aim to provide you with the highest level of care. Our Comprehensive Health Package is specifically designed to cover all aspects of your health, ensuring a thorough evaluation and peace of mind. Here's what our package includes: 1. Comprehensive Health Check-up: Our experienced team of medical professionals will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your overall health. This includes a detailed medical history review, physical examination, and vital measurements. 2. Laboratory Tests: We will perform a comprehensive range of laboratory tests to assess various aspects of your health. These may include blood tests, urine analysis, lipid profile, liver function tests, kidney funct...


B-16, Chirag Enclave
28.6517178, 77.2219388
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Fortis Cdoc
Fortis Cdoc
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