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Kids Party Venues in Sydney Visit Now

Banquet Halls 67 views ID: 52147
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Published on 06/02/2024



At Tiktocs specialize in creating unforgettable birthday celebrations for kids of all ages. Located in the heart of Sydney, our venue offers a spacious and vibrant environment ideal for throwing the ultimate party. Here's what we offer: ???? Exciting Themes: Choose from a wide range of themed party packages to suit your child's interests, from superheroes to princesses, pirates to unicorns, and everything in between. ???? Fun Activities: Keep the little ones entertained with a variety of fun-filled activities including games, crafts, face painting, balloon twisting, and more! ???? Delicious Catering: Our dedicated team can provide delicious catering options to satisfy hungry tummies, including kid-friendly snac...


2/9 Enterprise Circuit. Prestons Sydney, Australia
Australian Capital Territory
-35.2345341, 149.0390718
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(02) 9607xxxx Send message
Tik Tocs
Tik Tocs
7 active listings
Last online 1 week ago
Registered for 3+ months
Scullin, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
(02) 9607xxxx
Seller's profile All seller items (7) www.tiktocs.com.au

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