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Python for Beginners: Kickstart Your Journey with Uncodemy

Education - Training 52 views ID: 62622
18000.00 ₹

Published on 04/04/2024


Are you new to programming and eager to delve into the world of Python? Look no further! Uncodemy offers a comprehensive Python for Beginners course designed to kickstart your coding journey. Our expert instructors will walk you through the fundamentals of Python programming, from basic syntax to constructing your first applications. Through hands-on exercises and personalised guidance, you'll acquire the confidence and skills necessary to embark on your programming journey. Moreover, with our commitment to providing 100% placement assistance, you can be confident that you'll be well-prepared for career opportunities in the tech industry. Enrol now in our Python course in Kolkata and unlock the doors to endless...


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Sanjeet Singh
Sanjeet Singh
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