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oncology Hospital in Hyderabad - Sree Manju Hospitals

Health - Beauty - Fitness 92 views ID: 712
500.00 ₹

Published on 30/09/2022



Sree Manju Hospital is one of the best Oncology Hospital in Hyderabad, kukatpally offering the best comprehensive cancer treatment and Cancer care treatment at the most affordable price range. Our cancer doctors are well skilled and experienced all kinds of oncology treatments like Hormone Therapy, Immunotherapy, Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant, Targeted Therapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy etc. And we provide treatments with the most advanced technology machines to cure and resolve patients' issues with the Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology etc. book your appointment now.


Plot No:1/A, Opp Brand Factory Phase - 5, KPHB, Hyderabad Telangana - 500085
17.360589, 78.4740613
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Sree Manju Hospital Hospital
Sree Manju Hospital Hospital
37 active listings
Last online 1 year ago
Registered for 1+ year
Plot No:1/A, Opp Brand Factory Phase - 5, KPHB, Hyderabad Telangana - 500085, 500085, Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Seller's profile All seller items (37) sreemanjuhospitals.com

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